Kimonos Project.
12 kimonos is a Project within the story that is enhanced by the spiritual strength of each kimono that is given by the essence of the making of its cloth, created with pieces of cloth that were given to me by family, friends, artists, gallery owners, art critics, musicians. Each of them are very important in my life.
The recollection, made by brief meetings at the doors of each house (during the 2020/2021 pandemic), gave to this social occasion a deep affective meaning.
This Project was made with my mother, who collaborated in the making of the kimonos. Her contribution gave the event even more personal power.
These kimonos are part of an installation along with audiovisuals where each one talks about their piece of cloth and meaning; 150 people collaborated, each piece of cloth tells a story that is assembled in the kimono. The story has become a catharsis for all the peopleinvolved in the Project since the beginning of the pandemic in January 2020.
1 -Nelly Perazzo – Rosa Maria Ravera -Raul Santana- Ana Aldaburu –Zulema Maza-Gaby Van Riel –Tulia Alvarez –Ekart Dross-Maria Jose Herrera-Patricia Pellegrini- Marcial Sarrias.
2-Claudia Aranovich-Gualdoni-Ceminaro-Pacenza-Weeb-Peralta –Pájaro Gomez.
3-Marina De Caro-Varangot-Boccardo-Germinal Marin-Pino-Roberto Elia-Gabriela Heras.
4-Familia Antonio Canzio Osvaldo Canzio Carmen Rojas Monica Canzio Felipe Fernandez-Cecilia Fernandez -Ezequiel Pistone –Lola Pistone –Isabella Pistone – Carlos Arnaiz-Ariadna Canzio –Gastón Lamonier.
5 Kimono blanco : Nelly Perazzo-Nora Iniesta- Virginia Giudicce-Maria Duffi-Ceciliafernandez-Mirta Gontad-Monica Canzio.
6-Artista Galeria OTTO: Fabio Minioti-Ackerman-Marisa Gill-Antonia Guzman-Daniel Callori-Daniel Prieto-Maria Torcella-Monica Canzio- Eugenio Otolengui y Martina Pitaluga.
7-Mardaraz –Benitez-Kity-Mirta –Bonini-Valeria-Eduardo y Franco –Pollo Raffo-Daniel Debiase-Jauregui-Dany y Franco –Diana Griot.
8 Familia Cecilia Fernandez -Felipe Fernandez-Monica Canzio-Victoria Prati-Amaro Fernandez-Joaquin Fernandez –Pilar Fernandez-Clara Fernandez-Victoria Del carril-Ana Del carril- Jose Del Carril-Lucia Carnicero.
9-Feldstein-Roxana Fernandez-Catalina Chevrin-Ato Menegazzo-Elene Blasco –Ernesto Pesce-Pato Parodi-Luis Niveiro-Mami Goda-Alberto Mendez-Flor Salas.
10-Hernan Dompe-Pablo Dompe –Nardi-Lidia Galego-Tazelaar-MadanesPiuma-Siguelboin-Julio Sanchez-Anibal Merlo-Omar Estela-Mari Guallar-Carola Zech-Carmen Dardalla-Dora Isdatne-Natalia Abot.
11-Juan Lecuona-Carlos Arnaiz-Eduardo Stupia-Maria Luz Gil-Osvaldo Monzo-Adriana Zanutgh-Gerardo Abad-Marino Santa Marina-Lucas Marin-Pedro Roth-Matias Roth-Damian Roth-Dario Berterreche-Ernesto Riveiro-Cesar Giancarelli-Silvia Nanni-Tulia Alvarez-Luis Wells-Ricardo Ibarlucía.
12-Enrique lataillade-Paula Saralegui-Patricia kim-Carla Invernizzi-Mara-Marina-Miriam-Damaso Arnaiz-Axel Dross-Ekart Dross –Tulia Alvarez-Ana Casanova-Nerina.